Further Funding

The Society offers limited financial support for individual projects by academic staff, researchers, and postgraduates working in applied philosophy. This might include, for instance, limited teaching relief, travel, or other relevant activity. It may thus facilitate the completion of work that would otherwise remain unsupported. Individuals are welcome to contact an Officer of the Society for further advice and information.

The amounts available are not large — we do not envisage making individual grants of more than £1,200. Normally only one application per person per year will be considered. The Society will take into account any previous successful applications when making a decision to fund.

Applications can be made at any time of the year and should state the nature of the support requested and why it is necessary for the pursuit of the work. Like all our other funding, applications may only be made by members of the Society.

Please note that support for completion of a degree cannot be considered under further funding. Postgraduate students seeking funding for such purposes should apply for the Society’s Doctoral Scholarship award.

COVID-19 pandemic: Given the ongoing uncertainty arising from Covid-19, the Society will currently support only costs that are not penalised by Covid-related cancellations. Budgets should be submitted with this prospect in mind, and applicants should confirm that all proposed bookings can be cancelled or amended without penalty. The Society will not reimburse expenses where an activity cannot take place because of Covid-19.

Payment of Awards

Following the activity, successful applicants should submit a report, plus copies of relevant receipts and the relevant bank details using the online form here.

SAP Annual Conference

SAP Annual Conference 2025
27- 29 June
Radisson Hotel & Suites, Gdansk

Join the Society

Membership of the Society is open to anyone interested in our aims, whether or not you hold a philosophical qualification or are employed as a professional philosopher.

Membership currently costs £26 per annum, or £14 for postgraduates.  This includes online access to the Journal of Applied Philosophy, as well as a reduced fee for the Society’s annual conference.   Members can also apply for event funding through the Society’s grant scheme.

Membership and journal subscription are handled by Wiley, as the publishers of the Journal of Applied Philosophy. The button will take you through to their website.

Latest News

In memoriam: Brenda Almond

The SAP is deeply saddened to hear of the death of Brenda Almond, Emeritus Professor of Moral and Social Philosophy at the University of Hull. Professor Almond co-founded the SAP with Anthony O’Hear in 1982. She devoted many years to

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SAP sponsored event: Human-AI Relationships Workshop

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