Doctoral Scholarship Awards
Doctoral Scholarships
- The Society awards a limited number of doctoral scholarships each year — see Doctoral Scholarships for further details. The following candidates have recently received the award.
Rebecca Brione
Undertaking degree of PhD at King’s College London
Research area: Applied Ethics, Speech Act Theory, Bioethics, Philosophy of Birth
Miguel De La Cal Moreno
Undertaking degree of PhD at University of St Andrews and University of Stirling
Research area: Climate Ethics, Moral Knowledge, Eco-philosophy
- Lorenzo Elijah (University of Oxford)
- Kristine La Cour (University College London)
- Alex Fisher (University of Cambridge)
- Emilia Wilson (University of St Andrews)
- Dilara Boga (Central European University (Vienna))
- Virginia De Biasio (University of York)
- Anna Milioni (King’s College London)
- Leora Sung (University College London)
- Daniella Meehan (University of Glasgow)
- Lee Wilson (University of Edinburgh)
- Joshua Kelsall (University of St Andrews)
SAP Annual Conference
SAP Annual Conference 2025
27- 29 June
Radisson Hotel & Suites, Gdansk
Join the Society
Membership of the Society is open to anyone interested in our aims, whether or not you hold a philosophical qualification or are employed as a professional philosopher.
Membership currently costs £26 per annum, or £14 for postgraduates. This includes online access to the Journal of Applied Philosophy, as well as a reduced fee for the Society’s annual conference. Members can also apply for event funding through the Society’s grant scheme.
Membership and journal subscription are handled by Wiley, as the publishers of the Journal of Applied Philosophy. The button will take you through to their website.
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